Wednesday, 30 October 2013

The Dead Stray// 1st Print Session

For the innersleeve I tried to print it on tracing paper put in the end i wasn't happy with the print. It was too faded and it was impossible to cut. I'm not sure how I am going to solve this problem during my print slot on Friday. Ideally I want to print on a matt but that will be too thick. In the picture above you can see after doing just 1/4 of the circle I decided to stop 

I've decided not to use the text on the front of the cover. Instead I am going to get hold of the band and get them to send their logo to me. I will then put that logo onto a sticker and print it. Once it is on the cover I am going to laminate over the top to give it a nice glossy finish. I need to get the logo for this Friday

I am really happy with the outcome of the centre labelling, nice that at least one thing went right today. The purple record I bought for £6 off ebay and postage was free, quite a fee to pay but I think for the limited edition version this will make the mock up stand up massively. For friday I need to free do the innersleeve and print more stickers for the font of the record. I hope I will have more luck than today. Considering I went into print not knowing what stock I would print on there is only myself to blame.

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