Monday, 3 February 2014

Secret 7"// T REX// Design Sheets

 First of all I have decided to do T Rex - Get It On as my secret 7".

Get It On by T Rex: 

I started by looking at the lyrics online and the song meanings. A lot of attention was brought to the lyric '....bang a gong...'. This meant a few things accoriding to the people of the internet. 
  • Slang for smoking opium. 
  • Slang with jazz musicians meaning 'snort cocaine'.
  • Refers to penetrating deeply enough to hit the cervix.
I've decided to go with the last one as that was said to be the actual meaning. It also will allow me to play with phallic symbols and make the design simple yet to the point. 

Examples one and two are very similar and I feel that the design is clear and easy to understand. This example means I will be able to use a selection of colour to make my design visually more interesting. 

I like this idea and will try this out on illustrator. Simple a jack and the jack input. More obvious what this means and connotes.

The last three examples were simply myself experimenting with different shapes but the outcomes didn't stretch that fare and I could seem to find anything that I liked. I only did two drawings with the triangles but it didn't ignite any other thoughts. I am going to go with the first few designs and see what I can produce on Illustrator.

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