Tuesday, 18 February 2014

WPP// Booklet ONE// Vote For Green Parties Process


We need to find out how many people didn't vote Green and instead voted for different parities.
These info graphic above is actually accurate! We visited a website that showed us how many people voted for each country and it once we added them all up together we worked out the 1 person in 100 vote for green. 

The one person in 100 looks much to busy and in a result of there being so many shapes it does something funny to your eyes and after a while gives you a head ache. The job is to find a way to reduce the number of people but still produce something that is easy to understand but most imporantly suggest 1 in hundred people.



Above is the final example for 'Vote For Green Parties' for now. Luke and I have decided that when we come back to it tomorrow we will be able to compare all four booklet contents and then design from there. In total we will have one double page spread per booklet. The rest will be blank pafges made to look like content. Because we are simply coming up with the concept there is no reason to research and fill the books up with content. We are simply doing a double page for both to give an idea of the design and feel of each publication.

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