Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Einsteins Idea// Johnny Fylnn Album cover research

Country Mile

Here we have Johnny's latest album 'Country Mile'. Compared to his other covers it is very similar. They always decide to go for photos with Johnny's album covers and this is something I quite like. 

The font is usually the same as well, usually a script font that looks hand rendered. The colours across this cover have been very well chosen and there is this nice purple glow. The album cover, through its photography and illustration suggests the beach.

Been Listening 

'Been Listening' has a much different feel to all the others. Instead of there being a subject that you see first there are many subjects, in the case tress. In his other covers its different, in 'Country Mile' you see man standing in the centre of the image and in 'A Luram, a girls walking. 

The font also differs and is a lot more harsh compared and bold compared to the script fonts in the others. The cover is black and white, the only black and white covers out of all his work. The trees suggest isolation, to me they suggest fear and the feeling of being lost. The cover is something I can't quite put my finger on. The music of the album suits the cover but it's something that can't be explained. 

A Larum (and demo)

This cover is very similar to the first, not in colour of location of photograph but in concept. There is one human subject and it's what we see first when looking at the cover. The red of her hat then brings us to look at the 'A Larum' and then lastly to the tittle of the artist. It's a very well thought out cover and it think that is why they wanted to do it again with his latest.

The demo cover is much different to all of the others. I really like it personally, it has personality and character. Much more than all the other. I think whats different about all the other covers is they paint a bigger and clear picture. That is generally what photographs do. 'Country Mile' I think houldn't be on a beach. a country side shot would have worked so well, in the summer.

My task is to design a cover for Johnny's 'Einsteins Idea' from 'Country Mile'. 

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