Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Innocent Drinks// Back of Packs printed

These are ready to print even though I'm not sure about what stock I am going to use. I also am not sure how I am going to fold it all together but this is something I will just have to learn as I go along. Realistically I wanted to buy some innocent cartons but in all the local super markets they don't sell it. I haven't looked everywhere but I don't want to walk too far.

5th back of back design printed on matt (First go!)

Line going through the left had side, this line is linked to the carton illustration and I thought it would be easy to remove but it isn't!

These pink lines need to be removed when I go to print again.

Looking rough, very hard to get this part perfect, extra care must be taken next time to make this a good and proper job.

FONTS! Some have gone? Need to make sure all the fonts are there for final print 


So next time I need to do this properly. 
ONE thing I must do is but a really innocent drinks carton and find out how its been put together because I have no idea how the net works. I really want to mock these up on the computer too but can't find any images on line to put my design on.
  • Take out pink lines
  • Find fonts and add them 
  • Double check all designs before printing
  • Buy Innocent smoothie carton and dismantle to find out real net. 

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