Thursday, 7 November 2013

Innocent Drinks// Design Sheet// Ideas

  • Package advertising for the BIG KNIT 2014. A promotional carton.
  • Info graphics about the goodness in the drink and how it is good for you. Research in to vitimin C within some of the drinks and how these vitamins are good for your body. 
  • Where does the fruit come from? Where does a particular piece of fruit comes from? In the UK or in the world. Look into Farms in the UK and how innocent drinks are helping. 
  • Look into what innocent drinks are doing for the world. Take one example and expand on it.
  • Create some kind of game? Make a funny cross word or a map etc.
  • Funny ways to keep healthy- Everyday activities that can make you healthy- Don't take this seriously. example- hopping up the stairs with one foot, doing the watching up while jogging on the spot etc.
  • Does any of the fruit come from the farmers in the UK- EMAIL. information about what part innocent drinks play in helping farmers in the UK.
  • Facts about the packaging- You already know about about the facts of 2009 think about facts of 2013!

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