Monday, 25 November 2013

Innocent Drinks// Packaging Revisit

New Nets Printed.

Now that I have successfully folded the innocent carton I have decided to take away the pink lines to make my packaging more similar to the original packaging. I have also decided that I will laminate my packaging. The actual innocent packaging has a very laminated look and finish. This might make my packaging harder to fold but the end result will look a lot better. I need to find out where I can find very cheap juice so I can steal the lid. I must involve the lid to give my innocent packaging a very similar finish to the original packaging. Below is my progress through my mock up example:
Innocent drink cartons and my own Innocent drink Mock up.

After buying the innocent cartons I got a much better idea of how to construct my carton. So once I had finally made the mock up carton I had the confidence to spend the money on the more expensive packaging. 
First carton construction different print process. 

Although the photos make is out to look like everything is going well, everything isn't going well at all really. I decided, like my Dead Stray brief, to print matt and then laminate. Folding laminated matt paper is quite easy but because the carton has to be folded quite a lot the laminate paper is very tricky to deal with. Also, I took away most of the pink lines which caused finding key folding places that little bit harder.This example above I will have to bin,  but I have the other 4 to play with and make perfect. I want to get this brief wrapped up for Friday, including getting to the photography department. There are other briefs I must attend to and considering my dissertation need doing there is also that to think about too. 

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