Monday, 12 May 2014

George Simms Photography// Leaflet Re-visit// Printed Leaflet x100 (

I had much difficulty exporting Geroge's leaflet as a PDF as the thin dotted line kept on coming out pixelated for some un-known reason. I asked for help but the problem simply helped on happening, despite the line being a vector and the file at it's highest quality when exported.

New Description for Flyer.

'George Simms is a photographer whose work encompasses the genres of Landscape and Documentary.  Presented here are extracts from his latest body of work, ‘The Way the River Runs’.  In Britain, waterways and rivers are a part of our psyche; everyone has different emotional responses to rivers, depending on your own experiences.  This body of work aims to capture the journey of the River Ouse, flowing through the Yorkshire countryside and the settlements on its banks. These photographs were made in the context of the photographer’s own views and experiences of the river.  They are to be interpreted openly; bearing in mind any memories and feelings you may have of rivers...'

So I thought the best way to go about this small problem was to simply make the dotted line into a thin straight line. I must say it still looks good and helps the leaflet maintain structure.
In the last post you would have seen I spelt 'photography' wrong on 'georgesimmsphotography'. I mistake I seem to make in ever piece of work I design. This is something I must fix now before I forget.

Typos are a real problem for me and I bet they are a huge problem in the world of design. It must be a very big responsibility when it comes to checking of typos before work goes to print.


I comfortably sent off the PDF to Considering I had a terrible time last time I did this I was sure to send everything off correctly!

Printed Leaflet (x100)

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